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Sunday, March 22nd, 2020


Enough daily supplies in Miri, says Sebastian Ting

Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Sebastian Ting who went round the city to check on supermarkets calls to the public to refrain from panic buying as there is enough food for everyone. He said essential items like instant noodles, eggs, fruits and canned food are available at all supermarkets where he visited at Servay Hypermarket, Boulevard Hypermarket (Jalan Pujut) and Everwin (Krokop 10)  and Ah Hong Grocery in Luak. Ting said the public should not hoard the essential goods as it will create a chaotic environment andRead More


砂旅游、艺术与文化助理部长兼卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师走访多间超级市场,并且到警方和志愿团体设路障地点巡视。 他说,在这新冠肺炎病毒的全国行动管制令中,美里并没有出现惊慌现象,大家保持冷静,在超市购买适量物品。 “在这关键时期,最重要的是超级市场,美里人民没有出现抢购,而超级市场也应付顾客需求,在日常用品和饮食品都足够。” 陈超耀说,他看到美里人民的表现,令他感到骄傲,觉得美里真的不一样。 此外,陈超耀也巡视默斯再也和埔奕GK交通岛的警方和志愿团体设路障行动,设路障主要是提醒民众不要出门、配合全国管制令留在家、带口罩、多洗手、多喝水,预防新冠肺炎传播。 他呼吁民众留在家里,趁此机会陪家人,尽量不要外出,因为在这非常时期,要为自己家人着想。

Chief Minister, Abang Jo thanks the people

The Sarawak Government wishes to thank members of the public for their co-operation to abide by the Movement Control Order (MCO) to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to the enforcement personnel, especially the Police, military and frontliners including medical personnel and Immigration Officers for their effort to enforce the MCO, said Chief Minister, Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari.  He appeal to the general public to abide strictly to the MCO. Public co-operation is vital otherwise the infection will go out of control. The public needs to follow theRead More