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February, 2021



砂政府已实施新冠肺炎注射疫苗计划,该计划也获得民众积极反应和踊跃进行注册。 目前登记注射疫苗,是通过My Sejahtera软件进行,该软件注册功能将会在下个月初进一步提升,到时就可以协助其他家庭成员办理登记注射手续,这对没有该软件和不善使用者,特别是年长者有很大帮助。 石角区议员拿督斯里沈桂贤今前往石角,教导商家和民众如何下载my sejahtera软件及如何通过手机注册注射疫苗。 他是以分派传单方式,教导民众如何下载my sejahtera软件和注册,民众可以根据传单内的步骤进行,非常简易。 民众除了可以通过上述软件注册,也可以向当地的社区领袖(本固鲁、甲必丹和村长)及诊所寻求协助。


砂人联党青年总团长程明智指出,砂灾难管理委员会基于砂境内冠病疫情考量,将9个地区的小学生返校复课,由教育部原定3月1日展延两週,直到3月14日,值得给予支持。 他说,这是砂政府在这方面拥有的自主权,并已宣布在通过与教育部讨论后,古晋、三马拉汉、如楼、马拉端、诗巫、加帛、民都鲁、苏比士和美里区的小学,展延两週才复课。 他声称,砂灾难管理委员会是根据砂拉越实际的情况,基于防疫安全起见,来作出相关小学返校复课的跟进。 程明智发文告强调,人联党青总团关注砂拉越教育领域重要性,以及学校复课,欢迎教育局与砂拉越教育、科学和技术研究部,成立了一个工委会,以确保全砂的学校课程能够安全地进行。 他揶揄在野党某些领袖,只会在防疫问题上大作文章,有的为反对而反对,有的却在砂灾难管理委员会及卫生部所开展的防疫措施来抢功,企图捞取廉价政治宣传。 根据教育部之前宣布,小学一至二年级将在3月1日、三年级至六年级则在3月8日,中学分A组(柔佛、吉打、登嘉楼和吉兰丹)是4月4日、中学B组(其他的州属)在4月5日复课。

DID doing comprehensive feasible study on flash flood

DID Sarawak has conducted comprehensive feasible study on 7 flash flood area at Batu Kawa last year. DID Sarawak deputy director Ir. Law Wee disclosed that Batu Kawa assemblyman Dato Sri Dr . Sim Kui Hian has proposed Rm120 million flood mitigation to Sarawak chief minister last year, but DID’s opinion is that it should be a more comprehensive plan with in-depth feasibility study in order to resolve the issue amicably. Law stated that engineering designer has been appointed last year to study on those flash flood area in BatuRead More


砂拉越水利灌溉局去年已经针对石角7个水灾黑区进行了实地研究,以便通过全盘性计划改善这些地区的水患情况。 该局署理局长刘威指出,石角区议员拿督斯里沈桂贤是在2020年向砂首长阿邦佐提出水患问题并申请1亿2000万的发展经费。 刘威与砂首长署政治秘书陈开巡视石角新市镇附近沟渠后说,原本在第十二大马计划(2021-2025)下,才能委任工程设计师,不过这项研究需要花一些时间,甚至一年,因此将委任工程师的时间表拉前到2020年进行。 这项全盘性的治水计划分为7个地区,即石角路第一1c和3、味源港( Sg Moyan ), Sungai Surih, 兵营路( Jln Field Force),戈帝迪Ketitir路、石角路廉价房屋(RPR )和甘榜新纳布迪拉玛( Kpg Sinar Budi ) “在这项研究计划下,也对石角区、实打博、煤炭路和盐柴港左支流和右支流的排水系统进行勘察,确保最后的水能流入到砂拉越河。”


砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局主任叶耀星、本固魯賴文麒及甲必丹李道洪在7哩进行例行探访时,经常接获居民们要求向议会反映道路提升或维修问题。日前,居民及商户们投诉有关刘尚帮路及7哩红绿灯交叉口路况不佳。 相关投诉已提交巴达旺市议会工程部,且提升工程及维修拨款已得到批准。 叶耀星感谢该工程承包商同意他的请求;在夜间施工以防止交通堵塞,减少对公众的不便。人联党7哩分部将积极协助任何影响当地居民的民生问题及以维护公众的利益。叶耀星律师强调他会尽其能力来解决影响社区的公共议题。 随着疫情可能在政府进行大规模疫苗接种后逐渐好转,人联党公共投诉局主任叶耀星希望联邦及砂拉越政府可制定激励政策吸引更多投资;创造更多就业机会。从长远来看,政策应着重在创造就业和激励措施上,以使生产率与工资相匹配。另外,对年龄45岁以上的工人进行重新规划,提高技能和培训计划。 砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局已做好准备并尝试通过相关部门解决影响社区的公共议题。人联党公共投诉局已准备好为面对相关问题却不懂得如何处理的民众伸出援手。任何相关事宜可联系人联党公共投诉(016-7797688或082246999)或亲临人联党总部。

Wilfred Yap checks on poor road condition at Jalan Liu Shan Bang

SUPP Public Complaints Bureau (SUPP PCB) Chief, Wilfred Yap heard complained of the poor condition of the road intersection with traffic lights at Jalan Liu Shan Bang/Batu Tujuh, Kota Sentosa. The matter was brought up to the attention of Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) Engineering Department and the government funding for the upgrading and maintenance works which recently approved. Yap said he is very grateful to MPP and their contractor for agreeing to his request to carry out the upgrading and maintenance works at night due to the heavy traffic duringRead More

Datuk Sebastian Ting launch Bomba

KUCHING: Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Datuk Sebastian Ting is looking forward to open out Sarawak for tourism once 80 percent of the population has been vaccinated. Ting when officiating a fitness programme at Miri Bomba said last year the Tourism ministry has planned 115 events which will take off as soon as the ban for travel is lifted. He explained that die to the pandemic, they were unable to open up like the rest of the world to contain the pandemic first. Ting and Minister of Transport,Read More

Sebastian Ting going to the ground

Piasau State Assemblyman, Datuk Sebastian Ting went on a round of visits in Miri to check on his Rural Transformation programme projects. Places he visited included Surau Sinar Islam, Kpg Pulau Melayu where a total of RM 85,000 were approved by Sarawak Government two years back. The proposal was put up by the Surau committee who requested for the reconstruction of the surau fencing. Ting said so far, 80% of the works is completed with one more week to go. On another programme, Ting went to Miri General hospital toRead More

Datuk Sebastian Ting checking projects at SK Pulau Melayu

State Assemblyman for Piasau, Datuk Sebastian Ting gave 100,000 to SK Pualu Melayu, Miri yesterday for the Dewan project which will be completed by July 2020. Ting who is also the Assistant Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture visited the schools said the fund is under the Rural Transformation program for school upgrading. So far, six upgrading projects has been done in the school which included Dewan, washroom, futsal and other facilities.


砂首长署政治秘书程明智指出,砂灾难管理委员会未决定,是否随教育部日前宣布中小学生返校复课期,从中显示砂政府动用自主权的可贵。 他强调,砂政府更能根据砂境内疫情及抗疫情况,实事求是以砂学子安全为考量,教育领域是非常重要,而在疫情当儿也严谨抗疫寻求方案。 程明智表示,砂地方政府及房屋部部长拿督斯里沈桂贤已表明,砂灾委会将开会探讨,砂境内中小学生复课事宜,还有待进一步公布。 他说,砂政府向联邦政府力争1963年大马契约(MA 63),属于砂拉越的自主权需归还,就是基于照顾砂人民的福祉做出发点,有赖砂人民给予强力支持。 他抨击希盟某些砂议员,在教育部所宣布中小学复课期上大作文章,还叫砂政府需动用自主权不跟随,是哗众取宠的一种政治伎俩。 他提醒说,希盟曾在本届大选宣言,列明一旦执政联邦,会无条件依据MA 63归还砂拉越所有自主权;结果希盟如愿执政联邦就只字不提,希盟砂议员对此噤若寒蝉,直到希盟执政22个月因权斗垮台! 亦是砂人联党青年总团长程明智也指在野党某些议员,不要以教育部的学校复课日加以渲染,甚至有意引起家长们的恐慌,以此来居功。 “有关人民代议士应负起责任,关注学校复课的防疫指南措施,如学校消毒、师生上课安全距离、戴口罩、勿群聚等建设性的建议,而非一昧地加以政治化。” 程明智也以有着两名孩子的家长身份重申,本身及太太也极其关注学校一旦复课的安全性,同所有家长一样,都担忧孩子复课到校上课的防疫问题。 根据教育部宣布,小学一至二年级将在3月1日、三年级至六年级则在3月8日,中学分A组(柔佛、吉打、登嘉楼和吉兰丹)是4月4日、中学B组(其他的州属)在4月5日复课。


砂旅游、艺术与文化助理部长兼卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师日前移交热心人士赞助的1000套个人防护装予美里中央医院。 他是在美里中央医院将物资移交予美里医院院长院长黄俢儒医生。 陈超耀表示,虽然美里冠病确诊率已有减少,不过民众还是要继续努力配合,共同抗疫,要记得外出戴口罩、常洗手和保持1米人身距离。 他非常感谢赞助人在这一年关心美里医院,捐赠防疫品给前线医务人员,并委托他交给医院。


砂旅游、艺术及文化部助理部长兼卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师日前巡视美里甘榜布劳马来尤(Kg. Pulau Melayu),该甘榜通过其选区乡区转型计划(RTP),过去5年内共落实10项工程,涉及数额达92万6800令吉。 陈超耀指出,甘榜布劳马来尤落实的计划包括2016年总数8万令吉提升民众会堂、2017年拨款19万零800令吉提升民众会堂(Community Hall)提升工程、拨款21万2000令吉建足球场、拨款5万3000令吉提升Surau Sinar Islam、2018年拨款5万3000令吉提升五人制球场设施、拨款5万令吉提升Masjid Nur Hijrah、拨款5万3000令吉提升及改善布劳马来尤国小设施。 同时,2019年拨款5万令吉提升民众会堂,拨款8万5000令吉提升及改善Surau Sinar Islam设施。2020年则拨款10万令吉提升及改善布劳马来尤国小设施。 陈超耀也在当地国小及Surau Sinar Islam视察兴建中的乡区转型计划工程,向工程执行单位,即公共工程局及承包商了解所负责的工程进度。

Lo Khere Chiang checking the broken walkway

Part of a walkway which crossed a river at Kpg Matang Lorong 2 was flooded due to the recent downpour causing a lot if inconvenience to villagers there. Batu Kitang state assemblyman, Lo Khere Chiang who is also Padawan Municipal Council Chairman was with his deputy chairman, Dato Ahmad Ibrahim and representives of Pusat khidmat Tupong to check the walkway today. Tupong state assemblyman, Fazaruddin Abdul Rahman has put up a solution to repair the walkway under his Tupong Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) 2021 project with RM150, 000. MPP willRead More

New cluster if we let down our guard, says Dr. Sim Kui Hian

Advisor to SDMC, Dato’ Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian cautioned Kuching folks to be on alert to prevent another cluster from breaking out. Dr. Sim said he is worried after 23 positive cases were detected on Sunday among the community where 11 cases were through contact-tracing of the earlier sporadic cases. A new cluster, Jalan Green was found after the tracing. SDMC has carried out Active case detection (ACD) on the positive cases. Dr. Sim urged all to be vigilant and continued with their SOP of putting on masks andRead More


砂首长政治秘书陈开呼吁刚毕业的大专生且未找到工作,可以透过砂政府的砂基金局属下SCOPE单位提供的培训计划。 此项计划提供给予23至25岁的大专毕业生,持有学位及硕士资格,而且成绩必须是至少CGPA 2.6以上。通过参与此项培训计划为期1年,同时砂政府也为参与者提供薪金与津贴。 陈开说,被录取的大专生将被安排在政府机构、官联机构及私人机构培训和就业。 他呼吁砂大专生把握机会,也在这疫情面临难找就业工作,可以借此机会提升职业技能和吸取社会经验。只要大专生有心,不怕没前途。 申请者可透过SCOPE官方网站进行递交履历表申请,或将个人资料及副本通过传送至相关单位。


砂首长政治秘书陈开表示,砂拉越爆发疫情,行动党要拿督斯里沈桂贤交待,晋汉省发生闪电水灾,行动党还是要沈桂贤交待,那么未来行动党领袖生活大小琐事不顺的话,是否也要沈桂贤交待? 他说,行动党的文化精髓就是错永远是别人,能够指责和推卸就尽量推卸给别人,然后自己金蝉脱壳,将责任推到一干二净。 “槟城发生大水灾和严重土崩,并造成多条人命伤亡,林冠英认为这是天灾,砂拉越行动党即刻附和,甚至说没有下雨就不会有水灾,身为砂行动党主席的张健仁不敢针对因为过度开发导致土崩事故并酿成多人丧命的事故,要林冠英交待。” 陈开透过文告指出,张健仁担任古晋国会议员数十年、哥打圣淘沙区议员15年、实丹彬国会议员数年,担任联邦部长22个月,却从来没有为这些地区推行发展,包括提升排水系统,本身可以光明正大无需向人民做出任何的解释和交待,一旦这些地区出现任何民生问题,那么就全是沈桂贤和砂政府的错,这就是行动党的理念。 他表示,砂希盟可以眼睁睁看中央希盟政府取消砂无数发展计划,包括石角河滨公园、德莎威拉道路扩建、化粪池和水供等,甚至不归还5%石油产品销售税,行动党可以静静不出声,什么解释和交待也没有。 “被取消的发展计划包括砂三座大桥,也因为其中一项大桥计划被取消,酿成今年初发生渡头坠车和生命丧亡,身为希盟的成员,行动党有担当和负责任吗?” 他说,张健仁答应每年给砂人2000令吉现款、承认统考、归还石油税、下放教育和医药自主权的承诺在哪里?杨薇讳诬蔑沈桂贤没有给真君大帝拨款、答应张健仁任联邦部长,选区内的沟渠和路灯都会装上钻石、福州路豆腐渣工程、查马哈迪旧账,难道这些你们就不需要解释和交待吗? 他指出,如果什么事都要沈桂贤交待,那么行动党在来届选举,就不应该竞选人联党竞选的选区,让人联党候选人胜出,让沈桂贤以人联党主席身份,领导他们的团队将砂拉越处理和发展的更好。 他强调,砂拉越需要实干兴邦的人,不需要如同行动党这帮空谈误国的政治人物。

Tan Kai blasts DAP

DAP is pointing an accusing finger at Minister for Housing and Local Government Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian for Sarawak’s covid outbreaks and flash flood after overnight heavy downpour at southern region area, said Political secretary to the Chief minister Tan Kai. Tan pointed out that in the past, DAP’s ruling state, Penang also faced serious flood and severe landslides incidents after heavy downpour, which caused casualties, yet Lim Guan Eng put the blame and justify it was an act of God. He said MP Stampin, Chong Chieng Jen,Read More

Lo Khere Chiang checking the flood areas

Chairman of Padawan Municipal Council, Lo Khere Chiang went to Mile 10 to look at the flood situation yesterday morning. Lo said the flooding was due to consistence rain throughout the night and morning. “This time, the Kampungs are not flooded but areas within Kuching and housing estates and not upper reaches of the river like oreviously. In Padawan, many Kampung are spare of any flooding. This is caused by over flowing of drainage,” he said. He added that the flood in Kuching caused a lot of inconvenience especially thoseRead More

Sarawakians will complete covid 19 vaccination by August, says Dr Sim

Sarawak will work very closely with Ministry of Health Malaysia on rolling out the COVID19 vaccines next weekend, said Minister of Local Government and Housing Minister, Dato’Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian. Dr. Sim said he understands that Pfizer vaccines will arrived from Belgium factory around February 25 (weekly air flight shipment till end of March) with Sarawak launching on February 27 at Stadium Perpaduam, Petra Jaya. “We want to help Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak (Federal agency) roll out as soon as possible, as fast as possible to as many peopleRead More

Importance of wearing masks and following SOP, says Clarence Ting

Sibu Municipal Council Sibu covid situation that spiked to 171 can be classified into 2 main categories, one is the flats at sibujaya which has 97(positives) this area is under EMCO, and the 46 positives old folks home care, said Sibu Municipal Council Chairman, Clarence Ting. Ting who is SUPP Pahlawan Chairman, anticipated the cases will continue to rise given the number of covid screening averaging about 2,000 per day. “However, SDMC-Chairman during SMC Facebook live today, mention that sibu has been classified into zones and for those zones thatRead More