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Thursday, February 25th, 2021


DID doing comprehensive feasible study on flash flood

DID Sarawak has conducted comprehensive feasible study on 7 flash flood area at Batu Kawa last year. DID Sarawak deputy director Ir. Law Wee disclosed that Batu Kawa assemblyman Dato Sri Dr . Sim Kui Hian has proposed Rm120 million flood mitigation to Sarawak chief minister last year, but DID’s opinion is that it should be a more comprehensive plan with in-depth feasibility study in order to resolve the issue amicably. Law stated that engineering designer has been appointed last year to study on those flash flood area in BatuRead More


砂拉越水利灌溉局去年已经针对石角7个水灾黑区进行了实地研究,以便通过全盘性计划改善这些地区的水患情况。 该局署理局长刘威指出,石角区议员拿督斯里沈桂贤是在2020年向砂首长阿邦佐提出水患问题并申请1亿2000万的发展经费。 刘威与砂首长署政治秘书陈开巡视石角新市镇附近沟渠后说,原本在第十二大马计划(2021-2025)下,才能委任工程设计师,不过这项研究需要花一些时间,甚至一年,因此将委任工程师的时间表拉前到2020年进行。 这项全盘性的治水计划分为7个地区,即石角路第一1c和3、味源港( Sg Moyan ), Sungai Surih, 兵营路( Jln Field Force),戈帝迪Ketitir路、石角路廉价房屋(RPR )和甘榜新纳布迪拉玛( Kpg Sinar Budi ) “在这项研究计划下,也对石角区、实打博、煤炭路和盐柴港左支流和右支流的排水系统进行勘察,确保最后的水能流入到砂拉越河。”


砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局主任叶耀星、本固魯賴文麒及甲必丹李道洪在7哩进行例行探访时,经常接获居民们要求向议会反映道路提升或维修问题。日前,居民及商户们投诉有关刘尚帮路及7哩红绿灯交叉口路况不佳。 相关投诉已提交巴达旺市议会工程部,且提升工程及维修拨款已得到批准。 叶耀星感谢该工程承包商同意他的请求;在夜间施工以防止交通堵塞,减少对公众的不便。人联党7哩分部将积极协助任何影响当地居民的民生问题及以维护公众的利益。叶耀星律师强调他会尽其能力来解决影响社区的公共议题。 随着疫情可能在政府进行大规模疫苗接种后逐渐好转,人联党公共投诉局主任叶耀星希望联邦及砂拉越政府可制定激励政策吸引更多投资;创造更多就业机会。从长远来看,政策应着重在创造就业和激励措施上,以使生产率与工资相匹配。另外,对年龄45岁以上的工人进行重新规划,提高技能和培训计划。 砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局已做好准备并尝试通过相关部门解决影响社区的公共议题。人联党公共投诉局已准备好为面对相关问题却不懂得如何处理的民众伸出援手。任何相关事宜可联系人联党公共投诉(016-7797688或082246999)或亲临人联党总部。

Wilfred Yap checks on poor road condition at Jalan Liu Shan Bang

SUPP Public Complaints Bureau (SUPP PCB) Chief, Wilfred Yap heard complained of the poor condition of the road intersection with traffic lights at Jalan Liu Shan Bang/Batu Tujuh, Kota Sentosa. The matter was brought up to the attention of Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) Engineering Department and the government funding for the upgrading and maintenance works which recently approved. Yap said he is very grateful to MPP and their contractor for agreeing to his request to carry out the upgrading and maintenance works at night due to the heavy traffic duringRead More