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Thursday, April 30th, 2015



秉承于党服务群众的原则, 人联党朋岭支部将于本星期六(2/5),提供免费法律咨询服务。负责该法律咨询的朋岭支部副秘书兼支部青年团秘书符祥威律师呼吁民众如有面对法律难题可以在当天前来查询。同时也是青年总团中央宣教秘书的符律师将免费为民众解答任何有关法律问题。 该免费法律咨询服务开放时间为早上10时至12时。咨询服务的地点为人联党朋岭支部,Lot 7159 富贵园,诏安路尾。任何资讯可联系支部号码,即082-331776 或 082-335373。


砂拉越业余无线电通讯应急服务俱乐部(SARES)日前向人联公共投诉局质询该组织向马来西亚通讯与多媒体委员会申请位于婆罗洲高原度假村、Gunung Serapi、日廊的VFH私人网络装置的安装和业余无线电中继器面对申请程序上的延误。 该申请的主要目的在于通过提升工作效率及提供更好的通信以加强与政府之间的合作。另外也可协助政府更有效率的把救援物资发送到灾区。 该组织是由喜爱无线电技术为爱好的成员组成。每当手机,电话,网络及其他系统当机或超载时无线电仍可正常操作以便应付常规通讯系统出现故障。 人联公共投诉局主任叶耀星协同砂拉越无线电通讯应急服务主席David Linang Janting与副手常德铨及该俱乐部委员拜访通讯与多媒体委员会。这次拜访的目的在于找出申请程序上延误的原因并希望当局迅速批准该项申请。 民众如果对所涉及政府单位之程序或所需文件上有任何不解,人联公共投诉局乐意协助。任何疑问可拨打016-7797688或082-246999联系人联公共投诉局,或前往人联党总部。

Free Legal Advice

As one of the programs in serving the people, SUPP Pending will set up a free legal advice counter this Saturday (2 Apr). The free of charge legal advice services will be provided by Milton Foo, a lawyer by profession, who is the Branch Assistant Secretary cum Branch Youth Section Secretary and also SUPP Youth Central Publicity Secretary. The public is welcomed to approach the branch to make enquiry on any legal issues, matters or predicament encountered. The service counter will be open from 10am to 12noon. The location ofRead More

The SPCB helping out SARES

SUPP Public Complaints Bureau (SPCB) was recently approached by the Sarawak Amateur Radio Emergency Services (SARES) who is facing some delay in their application for the installation of a VFH private network apparatus assignment and amateur radio repeater at Gunung Serapi, Borneo Heights Resort and Gedong from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). The application by SARES is to enhance their capabilities to work with the Government through providing better communication which will assist the Government to respond more efficiently and effectively in bringing aid to areas affected by extensiveRead More