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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021


Sebastian Ting and Adam Yii checking vaccination centre

State assemblyman for Piasau, Datuk Sebastian Ting and Mayor Adam Yii visited one of the two Covid 19 vaccination centres, Eastwood Golf and Country Club recently. Ting said the other Covid 19 vaccination centre is Dewan Dato Permaisuri, Senadin. He said Sarawak Government hoped to provide Covid-19 vaccinations to all Sarawakians, Malaysians from other States and foreigners who are living or staying in Sarawak by end of August 2021 which he said will create a herd immunity. The present vaccination will be for people age 18 and above. Ting encouragedRead More


砂旅游、艺术及文化部助理部长拿督陈超耀律师鼓励砂人民踊跃登记接种冠病疫苗,目前可透过MySejahtera手机应用程式,或前往省公署及从社区领袖登记。 也是卑尔骚区州议员的陈超耀表示,美里市民可在砂人联党卑尔骚支部登记接种疫苗计划。 他上周六与美里市长俞小珊、美里代省长阿兹及各单位代表前往巡视东林高尔夫球俱乐部音乐走廊,当地与柏迈再也区的拿督柏迈苏里礼堂是3月6日美里地区首批接种疫苗的地点,首批接种疫苗者是前线人员。 陈超耀说,第二批接种疫苗者是年龄60岁以上及高风险群,之后第三批是18岁以上民众。 他表示,虽然政府不强制人民接种疫苗,但人民还是受促踊跃登记,保护自己及身边的人,大家一起团结对抗冠病疫情。