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Friday, November 29th, 2019



砂人联党中央妇女组主席许德婉指出,希盟政府执政迄今,未见进行有效降低物价,减轻人民经济负担的措施,反而一再推行各种征税制度,明年开跑的RON95新机制,肯定将推高百物上涨趋势,届时人民生活将陷入苦不堪言窘境。 “我们很惊讶,副贸消部长张健仁指分阶段调涨油价,是为了减轻人民的负担。这到底是什么逻辑和思维,全世界没有一种经济学,或商业概论是说明油价的上涨,是不会加重人民的负担。相信这种“特殊”的经济学与商业概论,仅属马来西亚希盟政府独有。” 许德婉发文告指出,无论油价每周的涨幅多少,久而久之就是一个相当惊人的数字,油价上涨的牵动范围相当广泛,从产品的生产、外销、运输都会因为油价的上涨而一发动全身,最终一件到消费者手中的商品售价,也都会因为油价的上涨而暴涨,这种情况,怎么说不会加重人民负担呢? 许德婉说,在目前油价处于顶价机制下,贸消部都无法控制市场物价的上涨,更何况明年油价上涨? “砂拉越许多商品都是来自马来亚,一旦马来亚制造商因为油价上涨而提高生产成品,砂拉越人民将购买到昂贵的商品,成为油价上涨的牺牲者。” 故此,她呼吁政府重新探讨调涨油价的措施,毕竟目前国人生活压力倍增,国家经济日益萧条,若执意调涨油价,将让人民生活雪上加霜。 她也促请希盟执政不要忘记自己当时的竞选承诺,即执政中央后即刻降低油价,在执政一年多后的今天,不仅没降低油价,现在还要调涨,彻底违背了承诺。

Bracing for higher cost of living next year, says Kho Teck Wan

This week the Federal government announced the float of RON95 price starting January next year. The Petrol Subsidy Program(PSP) on RON95 is only applicable to the eligible Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) recipients. According to the Assistant Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Chong Chieng Jen, the price of RON95 will increase by 1 or 2 cents each week until it reaches the market price. The decision to increase the price of RON95 gradually each week was made to reduce the cost of living and to avoid spike on theRead More

Sarawak should have own court registry, says Milton Foo 

There should be a High Court of Sarawak with its own registry to reflect the three states becoming Malaysia & we have three separate Bars in Malaysia. Not to forget that we also had our own court registry even before the formation of Malaysia, said Youth Sec general, Milton Foo. He said after World War II, when Sarawak was a colony of UK, together with the colonies of Brunei & North Borneo, the UK combined all into one single judicial system of the Supreme Court of Sarawak, Brunei & NorthRead More