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Monday, January 7th, 2019


Allocations for schools

Minister of Local government and Housing, Datuk Dr. Sim Kui Hian with Batu Kitang Lo Khere Chiang went to give allocation to several schools in Batu Kawa and Batu Kitang constituency for their school facilities and activities. Dr. Sim said these allocations are special funding for school facilities despite the schools being a federal responsibility. He said the State government is willing to share the wealth of 5 percent collected from the exported Sarawak oil and gas for Sarawakians. This shows how the State government is concerned for the welfareRead More

Flood mitigation project delayed

Minister for Local government and Housing, Datuk Dr Sim Hui Hian and MPP Chairman Yb Lo Khere Chiang.inspected a drainage upgrading project in front of SMK Jalan Arang with Pengetua Mdm Fong this morning. Lo said it was regrettably that the 900k drainage upgrading project has past their deadline and the contractors has promised to speed up their construction works after being advised to do. Since the end of last year MPP have had two meetings with the contractor to ask the contractor to complete the project fast to avoid year end rainy season. Lo saidRead More


砂地方政府及房屋部长兼石角区州议员拿督沈桂贤日前巡视煤炭路政府中学校前的沟渠提升工程。 在场包括巴都吉当区州议员兼巴达旺市议会主席罗克强及煤炭路政府中学的校长。 该耗资90万令吉的工程实际上已经到了截止日期,承包商承诺会加速进展,让工程尽快完工。 自从去年以来,巴达旺市议会已经两度与承包商开会,讨论工程延缓的问题。 这工程是砂政府在治水计划下的工程,一旦完工,可解决煤炭路政府中学经常面对的闪电水灾问题。