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August, 2017


Upgrading work to connect Emart Matang and Stapok Batu Kawa

Tupong assemblyman Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman inspected the road from Emart to Taman Sri Matang with Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang , State Assemblyman for Batu Kitang. Fazzrudin said the road is being upgraded thus the road users must exercise caution as there may be bumps and uneven patches. He said the upgrading work is to connect Emart Matang and Stapok in batu Kawa. Although it is inconvenience at the moment, he said they should be patient as it is for their betterment after the road is completed. Lo alsoRead More

Projects for Batu Kawa Constituency

Batu Kawa state assemblyman YB Datuk Dr. Sim Kui Hian had  announced that the Batu Kawa Constituency had been awarded  more than  six million ringgit of  projects this  year. The  projects, more than 31 items, are awarded under the rural transformation development programme. Dr. Sim said, these rural transformation development projects to be implemented in Batu Kawa, did not include those  projects to be implemented by the other government agencies and departments, including PMC, DID, PWD and others. He added that these 31 projects are parts of the Batu KawaRead More


砂首长政治秘书邓文武于日前访问泗里街裁缝转型中心。 他此行目的是移交支票给该中心,作为活动经费。 泗里街裁缝转型中心的宗旨是提升贫穷人士的收入,以学习裁缝技术,获取额外收入。如此一来,他们无需过于依赖政府的援助,就可自力更生。


马当E-Mart交通岛前往石角史打博双程双向大道工程预计会在明年2月份完工。 目前该工程进度为68巴仙,比预期落后7巴仙。 日前,巴达旺市议会主席罗克强与杜邦区州议员法兹鲁丁前往巡视该耗资1亿2200万令吉的工程,据了解,许多居民因不满该道路工程出现许多问题,而提出投诉。 居民投诉的事项包括施工中的道路布满砂石和窟窿,对道路使用者带来危险。 罗克强对上述问题对居民引起的不便表示抱歉,他与法兹鲁丁均指示工程承包商和顾问必须关注所有问题,凡事以道路使用者的安全居上。 承包商答应会注意道路安全因素,同时会在一个月内开辟替代道路让道路使用者使用。


人联党4个支部分别为实达干、石角、哥打圣淘沙及巴都吉当支部领袖及党员于日前举办聚会,商讨备战国选。 实达干支部名誉主席拿督沈瑞永强调,人联党有必要在来届国选夺回实旦宾国席。他呼吁实达干支部发挥积极作用,协助人联党从反对党夺走该原本是传统堡垒的选区。 他希望借着聚会,让实旦宾选区所有人联党支部都可以促进关系,共同合作确保人联党候选人胜出。 石角支部代表林亚德、哥打圣淘沙支部代表叶耀星及巴都吉当支部主席罗克强在聚会轮番发表演说,众人皆对沈瑞永指要夺回实旦宾国席的言论表示认同。 他们说,在现任党主席拿督沈桂贤领导下,人联党势必全力以赴在国会中争取更多议席,而若实旦宾国席可以胜出,那么包括石角和巴都吉当两名州议员在内,将有3名议员可以为实旦宾居民争取福利。 其中,林亚德强调4个支部必须精诚合作,未来继续加强联系,积极备战国选。 叶耀星指出,行动党和公正党如今与敦马哈迪合作,显示两党毫无原则,可不顾立场,只为了夺权。 实达干支部主席沈坚石表示,反对党一昧制造混淆和谎言,以引导人民,而被揭发时,却想方设法逃过被起诉。 罗克强则指出,其领导下的巴都吉当支部继续招募专业和年轻新血加入,以让人民对人联党服务更有信心。


砂人联党巴都吉当区州议员罗克强于日前代表砂地方政府及房屋部长拿督沈桂贤主持新尧湾嘉年华的闭幕礼。 罗克强在致词时称,新尧湾老街如今已经成为国内外知名的景点,这有赖于社交媒体上的宣传。 他说,游客到访新尧湾不仅是因为其夜市,还包括其文化和历史渊源。 “在社交媒体的力量下,新尧湾成为著名的旅游景点,类似夜市的活动应该定期举办,以吸引更多游客前来观光。”

SUPP Want Stampin Back

Four SUPP branches have gathered at a restaurant in Kuching recently. The four are SUPP Stakan Branch (host) SUPP Batu Kawa Branch, SUPP Kota Sentosa Branch and SUPP Batu Kitang Branch. Local businessman and SUPP Stakan Branch Proterm Chairman and now Honorary Chairman Dato Sim Swee Yong hosted the gathering. The host in his welcoming speech stressed the need for a united SUPP to take on the task of winning back the P196 Stampin seat. As the person tasked with forming SUPP Stakan Branch he wanted the branch to play an active role in helpingRead More

Assistance for the Kelab Usahanita Berjaya, Sarikei

Teng Ung Woo, political secretary to the cm, today visited the Kelab Usahanita Berjaya, Sarikei to hand over a cheque. The sewing centre in Sarikei was for poor housewives where they can learn sewing to better themselves. Teng said the purpose of the club is to ensure that these women learned to sew and then be independent to earn their own income.


7哩一民众日前在人联党圣淘沙支部移动服务时向砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局主任叶耀星投诉有关圣淘沙商业中心后方路段出现坑洞。该坑洞日渐扩大并对驾驶者构成危险。 收到请求协助后,砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局主任叶耀星即刻通知巴达旺市议会工程部并偕同该部职员前往实地考察以寻求解决方案。巴达旺市议会工程部职员视察后发现该坑洞竟有13尺长。 砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局主任叶耀星得知巴达旺市议会承包商现已修复并填补有关坑洞。人联党公共投诉局感谢及巴达旺市议会迅速且有效解决问题。 人联公共投诉局已做好准备并尝试通过相关部门解决影响社区的公共议题。人联党公共投诉局已准备好为面对相关问题却不懂得如何处理的民众伸出援手。任何相关事宜可联系人联党公共投诉(016-7797688或082246999)或亲临人联党总部。

Sink hole at Kota Sentosa Commercial area

SUPP Public Complaints Bureau (SUPP PCB) was recently approached by an individual from 7th Mile area during SUPP Kota Sentosa Branch weekly mobile service, who informed  him of a sink hole on a back road at Kota Sentosa Commercial area which was getting bigger very rapidly and posing a hazard to motorists. Following the notification and request for assistance received, SUPP PCB Chief Wilfred Yap immediately informed the Engineering Section of Majlis Perbandaran Padawan (MPP) who immediately went to inspect and assess the situation. During the inspection by the officers fromRead More

Dialogue session with Party Central Committee

Piasau State assemblyman, Dato’ sebastian Ting who is also the Sec general of SUPP,  had  a Dialog session with SUPP Bintulu Branch, Tatau Branch and Belaga Branch. Together with the session were  Party Central Committee Datuk Matthew Chen, Datin Jennifer Alice, and Party Central Executive Secretary Madam Tionia. The dialogue session was very fruitful.

Miri Badminton Championship

Dato Sebastian Ting officiated the Miri Badminton Championship. He thanked the organising committee for the hard work, saying it Is a good start for Miri and a good experience for everyone. Dato Sebastian also thanked all the 750 players participating in this championship. They are from Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and  Malaysia. Ting hopes to see them all in the next game and wished them an enjoyable stay  in Miri.


砂人联党卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师与日前出席美里Hillstone花园的居民联谊活动。 这项活动也获得史纳汀区州议员拿督李景胜和美里市长俞小珊出席,众人在活动与居民讨论关于地区上课题,包括治安等等。陈超耀感谢踊跃出席活动的居民。 他强调,惟有一起合作下,才能确保住家环境的安全,在任何时候,大家都应该互相注意邻居的住家环境,在可疑状况出现时,得互相提醒。


人民党都东支部主席森布莱博特鲁斯表示,虽然人民党在诗巫没有竞选国会议席,但是人民党与国阵成员党是走在一起的,绝对全力支持国阵候选人。 他指出,人联党在南兰国会选区有三个潜能候选人,在未来一个月可能举行的国会选举中,其中一人将披甲上阵,人民党两个支部执委和党员将协助候选人走入基层,拜访选民的竞选工作。 对于人联党派出三个潜能候选人以集体行动展开选前拜访选区的做法,森布莱认为是一个崭新和很好的概念,因为政治是不能单打独斗,而是一个数字游戏,人民党未来或许将效仿这个概念。 他强调,在国阵精神下,成员党是合作伙伴,是同一把伞下的联盟,向人民展示团结力量。 他以支部主席做出承诺说,在大选来临时,人民党将与人联党并肩合作,确保在选区漂亮胜出,因为如果人联党输掉,也是人民党的损失。 也是诗巫乡村议会主席的森布莱提醒三位潜能候选人,一定要以民为本,亲近人民群众,即使在中选为国会议员后,也不要忘记人民群众,仍要在选区勤于走动,走进基层,为民服务。 昨晚在人联党P211南兰区国阵服务团队与人民党交流晚宴上,森布莱透露,他与人联党有历史渊源,其祖父和父亲是人联党党员,所以出席晚宴有如回家的感觉。 森布莱说,在政治上,人民党与人联党,以及民进党和土保党是国阵成员党,在每个国州选举,4个成员党是团队工作。昨晚出席交流晚宴的是人民党都东和武吉阿瑟两个支部的执委和党员。


砂人联党卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师表示,在美里举办大型比赛活动,除了有助于提升本地球员的水准,也可以带动美里的旅游业和经济发展。 他日前在美里室内体育馆为2017年美里羽球锦标赛主持闭幕颁奖仪式时说,这是美里首次举办如此大型的赛事,在750名参赛选手当中,本地球员约70余名,其他都是来自我国其他地区和国外羽球代表选手。 他继称,大部分的选手们是第一次到来美里,他们家人也随队来美里为他们加油打气和观光旅游,无形中带动地方旅游业和经济发展,更打响美里的知名度。 同时,国外运球好手到美里参赛,不但有助于提升本地羽球员的球艺水平,也是一个球员间可以互相交流观摩的难得机会,希望此项赛事在明年能继续举办。


砂人联党秘书长兼卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师与日前主持民都鲁、达岛及布拉甲支部的对话会。 出席者包括人联党组织秘书拿督曾镇江、妇女组主席拿汀徐美丽及执行秘书官水华。 陈超耀感谢踊跃出席对话会的民都鲁支部党员,并形容该对话会收获丰硕。

Memorial for Sarawak Volunteer Mechanics and Drivers

Yesterday marked the first anniversary of the establishment of the World War II (WWII) Memorial for Sarawak Volunteer Mechanics and Drivers at Zu Tze Temple in Tabuan Laru here. Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian and Chinese Consul-General in Kuching Fu Jijun were among the distinguished guests present at the memorial to pay respect to the fallen heroes. “The memorial recognises the contribution made by the heroes who had sacrificed for peace, where around 100 Sarawak volunteer drivers and mechanics were among those who travelled toRead More

Kuching Inter-Cultural Mooncake Festival

The Kuching Inter-Cultural Mooncake Festival will return for its 16th installment this year, from Sept 28 to Oct 4. The weeklong event will continue to be held along the renowned and historical Carpenter Street, with Federation of Kuching Division Community Associations and the Old Market Community Association hosting. The Federation of Kuching Division Community Associations president Dato Sim Swee Yong said this event has always been supported by Chief Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg. Swee Yong pointed out that Abang Johari had been supporting the festival from the timeRead More

Diabetes Malaysia, Miri Branch charity dinner

Minister of Local Government and Housing, Senator Datuk Dr. Sim Kui Hian said the government must work closely with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to look at ways to optimise healthcare services and manpower resources to overcome the challenges of managing escalating healthcare cost. Reading out his text of speech,  Piasau assemblyman Datuk Sebastian Ting at Diabetes Malaysia, Miri Branch charity dinner , Dr. Sim said smart partnership, public-private ventures, outsourcing, sharing and pooling assets are some of the effective ways to optimise the healthcare services in the country. He praised Diabetes Malaysia,Read More

5th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health

The State is to host  the 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health to be held at Riverside Majestic Hotel from 10 to 13 September organised by College of Public Health Medicine, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia.  The President is Professor Datuk Dr. Lokman Hakim B Sulaiman. Recently the Organising Chairman, Dr. Sha’ari Ngadiman who is also the Director of Pahang Health Department, had Chaired the main committee meeting in the state to finalise preparation for the conference. The main committees lead by Dr. Jamilah also paid a courtesy visit toRead More