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Thursday, June 1st, 2017



砂人联党卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师为美里海洋公园居民争取乡区转型计划55万令吉的拨款,作为当地兴建雨盖篮球场和美化住宅区的用途。 这亦是陈超耀在去年州选时,许下的承诺,如今他向居民兑现其承诺。 陈超耀于日前在美里市长俞小珊、市议员梁振林、李进兴、叶秀英、承包商和工程师等前往海洋公园视察。 他称,雨盖篮球场的工程将在达雅节过后就开始动工。


砂人联党卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师与美里市长俞小珊今日向美里前市议员奇昌汤比贺节。 陈超耀与俞小珊在场身穿达雅族传统服饰,与众人欢庆达雅节。


美里市长兼人联党埔奕支部主席俞小珊于今日为Highlanders体育俱乐部主办体育嘉年华主持开幕礼。 他在场也勉励参赛者在活动中争取佳绩。

Purchase of nomination forms for Pujut by election

Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP)  Pujut branch chairman Adam Yii Siew Sang, accompanied by three members of   his branch –Huang Huat Choon, Chai Chee Vui and Hii Chang Hoon were seen to buy a set of nomination form each at the Miri City Council office. Huang, 65, is the publicity secretary of SUPP Pujut branch, Chai, 58, is the branch’s executive secretary and Hii, 55, the  organising secretary. After purchasing the forms they were briefed by the election commission officer on filling them. They were the first to purchase the forms. TheRead More

Gawai visit

Sarawak Local Government  and Housing Minister, Senator Datuk Dr. Sim Kui Hian and the party Central working committee, paid a visit to their comrade, Datuk Francis Harden anak Hollis – Assistant Minister for Community Wellbeing, in conjunction with the Gawai festivities.

Highlanders Sports Carnival

Mayor for Miri, Adam Yii officiated the Opening ceremony of Kelab Sukan Highlanders Sports Carnival this morning.

Gawai visit

Dato Sebastian, State Assemblyman for Piasau, Mayor Adam and City Councillors visited Madam Kijan and other local residents, wishing them a happy Gawai.

Sharing the joy of Ramadan

The SUPP leadership from Miri joined in a buka puasa session at the Surau Darul Hijrah, Piasau Utara, Miri to share the joy of Ramadan with the local muslims residents.


砂人联党领袖于昨晚在美里卑尔骚Darul Hijrah祈祷室与当地穆斯林同胞一起享用开斋晚宴。 在场者包括砂人联党主席兼地方政府与房屋部长拿督沈桂贤、秘书长兼卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师和美里市长俞小珊。陈超耀也当场移交拨款予该祈祷室。