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Wednesday, May 24th, 2017


Need to repair roads around Kota Sentosa town square

SUPP Public Complaints Bureau (SUPP PCB) was recently approached by the business community of 7th Mile Bazaar for his assistance to request Padawan Municipal Council to carry out road resurfacing, maintenance and improvement works for the whole stretch of both sides of the road of Kota Sentosa town square due to the uneven road condition which causes it to be water logged at certain sections after it rains. According to the traders and hawkers carrying out their business activities in the 7th Mile area, their request is made because of the heavyRead More


砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局主任叶耀星日前接获来自圣淘沙菜巴刹商家要求协助改善该区的道路。哥打圣淘沙中央广场业者及商贩们也要求重铺广场旁的路段皆因道路不平而引起积水。 根据小贩及商家们向本局反映,两区的道路交通流量繁忙所以必须尽早进行重铺工程。他们也要求道路重铺工程可以在晚上进行以避开交通繁忙时段及对顾客造成不便。 收到请求协助后,叶耀星与巴达旺市议会工程部官员前往现场实地考察以寻求解决方案。 砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局在此感谢巴达旺市议会工程部接纳圣淘沙商家们的要求并在晚上进行道路重铺工程。 人联公共投诉局已做好准备并尝试通过相关部门解决影响社区的公共议题。人联党公共投诉局已准备好为面对相关问题却不懂得如何处理的民众伸出援手。任何相关事宜可联系人联党公共投诉(016-7797688或082246999)或亲临人联党总部。


砂人联党卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师在周一(22日)晚上举行的砂拉越国阵后座议员俱乐部晚宴,与首席部长拿督阿玛阿邦佐哈里相见欢。 砂拉越国阵后座议员俱乐部晚宴是每逢州立法议会会议结束后,当天晚上举行。

Post DUN meeting dinner

Piasau state assemblyman, Dato Sebastian Ting, greeting the Chief Minister, Datuk Amar Abang Johari, at the BNBBC dinner at a local hotel recently after the adjournment of the stste legislative meeting .