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Sunday, November 27th, 2016



砂地方政府部长兼石角去州议员拿督沈桂贤于今日上午为砂拉越面粉厂有限公司在石角Emart超市市场举办的捐血活动主持开幕礼。 这项活动获得红新月会实旦宾分会和砂拉越中央医院血库单位的配合。其活动时间为上午10时至下午3时。 沈桂贤在场鼓励人们踊跃捐血,确保血液库存在这段学校年杪假期期间维持充足。他称,目前全国的活跃捐血者只占总人口的2.6至2.7巴仙,他希望此数据可以达到5巴仙。 他强调,对健康者来说,捐血并无害,而且还可以促进血液新陈代谢,维持身体健康。

Blood Donation Drive at Emart Batu Kawa

A Blood Donation Drive Organised by Sarawak Flour Mill Sdn Bhd in collaboration with Red Crescent Stampin Chapter and Blood Bank Sarawak General Hospital was held at Emart Batu Kawa this morning. The Minister for Local Government, Datuk Dr. Sim Kui Hian, officiated the ceremony and called for more people to come forward to donate blood to save lives. He said at the moment there are about 2.7 percent of the total population who actively donate blood. Dr. Sim said at times the Sarawak general hospital blood bank run  low and they haveRead More

Christmas Happy Run 2016.

Kelab Sukan Rekreasi DESB Marine paid a visit to State Assemblyman for Piasau, Dato’ Sebastian Ting, to invite him for the Christmas Happy Run 2016. The run will be held on December 18 at the Marine Bay park. Interested runner can register themselves at Sharetea, Boulevard Commercial centre, before December 10. The fund collected from the Run will be donated to the Sarawak Children’s cancer society and the Methodist Hope Centre.

Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian Cup 2016 final

Jin Hua Sports Club won the Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian Cup 2016 final result at the indoor stadium last night after five weeks of competition. Jin Hua Sports club played against Nanyang United winning 3-2 goals. A total of 16 games was played during the season. Organised by SUPP Youth Chief, Tan Kai, the mission of the Dr. Sim Challenge Trophy is to promote football to get more Chinese to be interested in the sport.


由砂拉越人民联合党青年总团主催,爱合足球俱乐部及晋华体育会协办之拿督沈桂贤医生足球杯决赛暨闭幕礼将于2016年11月26日(星期六)晚上7时45分假柏特拉再也州体育馆举行。 两支决赛队伍晋华体育会与南洋联队经过一番比拼之后,晋华体育会最终以3比2胜出,勇夺本届赛会冠军。 今年共有8支队伍参赛。 晋华体育会成立于2014年且此足球赛为其首次参赛,共有27名球员。


史纳汀达央企业海事俱乐部(DESB MARINE SENADIN)将在12月18日(星期日)早上6时30分在市政局草场举行2016圣诞欢乐跑。 这项活动即日开始接受报名,报名截止日期为11月10日。目标是1000名公众报名参与3.5公里或7公里的竞跑。 活动筹委会于日前礼貌拜会砂人联党卑尔骚区州议员拿督陈超耀律师,邀请他出席当天节目。