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Thursday, October 26th, 2017


SPCB: helping out clearing rubbish dump and leaking pipe

SUPP Public Complaints Bureau (SUPP PCB) Chief, Wilfred Yap was recently approached by the business community of RH Commercial area who complained of an illegal rubbish dump consisting of left over construction material in the vicinity of their shop houses which was not only unsightly but had become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and rats. They had requested SUPP PCB to assist by requesting Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan (MBKS) for the removal of the leftover construction material and rubbish thrown by irresponsible contractors carrying out renovation works and also forRead More


砂首长拿督巴丁宜阿邦佐哈里强调,政府将在州内兴建更多桥梁,衔接各个城市及偏远地区。 他保证,所有大桥将不会收费。 “已故前首长丹斯里阿迪南曾宣布废除州内所有过桥费,我将继续维持这项制度。” 阿邦佐哈里是于今日在砂督吊桥重建计画动土礼上致词时,如是说道。 州政府将耗资805万令吉,重建曾令砂拉越人感到骄傲的砂督人行吊桥,预料2019年9月就能竣工。 该人行吊桥将按照英国标准协会制定的英国标准(BS)建设,即宽3.0米,桥面距离地面6米,材料则是用是防腐及不锈钢铁建造。砂拉越政府将重建砂督吊桥,以恢复昔日吊桥的风光,预料将吸引更多游客前来美丹砂督观光。


砂地方政府部及房屋部部长拿督沈桂贤强调,通过古晋南市市议会和小贩们的配合,实都东小贩中心已成为全砂的楷模! 他表示,实都东小贩中心甚至比行动党执政的槟城州内各大小贩中心还要卓越。 “实都东小贩中心已经是全州的模范。这是大家跟南市配合取得的成就,是你们的骄傲和光荣。很多国家的代表团都观摩实都东小贩中心,你们做得很好。” 沈桂贤是在古晋南市市长拿督曾长青陪同下,与实都东小贩进行交流时,发表谈话。 他指出,本身在槟城住过四年,可以信誓旦旦宣告槟城州并没有一个小贩中心能比实都东小贩中心更卓越。 “槟城州已由行动党执政10年,但是小贩中心依然是老旧,没有翻新和提升,可见换政府有新希望只是嘴巴说说。实都东小贩中心做得比槟城州的更好,是大家的功劳,毕竟只靠政府,是不会有这样的成就。” 与此同时,他提醒小贩们,每个人都要与南市紧密配合,把小贩中心当作是自己的家,而非认为与自己无关。 “每个人都不会让自己的家变得很差,营业环境犹如家,别人就乐意来。”

Road widening at Krokop 9

Part of the road widening progress at Krokop 9 had been completed and work on the other side will start soon, said Piasau State Assemblyman, Dato’ Sebastian Ting. The other side will start after they move the Sesco, Laku and Sarawak gas cables and piping. Ting said the total project costs RM 250,000 which is implemented under the Miri city council. He called on road users to bear with the inconvenience for a while. Also present at the inspection site were Miri council secretary and engineer.