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Saturday, July 25th, 2015


SUPP to remain committed fighting for more rights for Sarawakians

Sarawak United Peoples Party (SUPP) Senator Datuk Dr. Sim Kui Hian said the party’s priority is concentrating on fighting for more rights for Sarawakians and serving the people. He said Sarawak should not think of money all the time but also fight for position to do more for Sarawakians. He said if the IGP is from Sarawak, there will be a lot the IGP will do for Sarawak. He cited an example that the Secretary general of the Ministry of Health budget is 29 billion while the whole of SarawakRead More

Badminton tournament

The Kuching-Samarahan Divisions are organising a Chinese Independent Primary and Secondary Schools Inter-Team Badminton Tournament at CHMS No. 3 school hall from July 25-26. Senator Datuk Sim Kui Hian officially opened the competition this morning. The main organiser of the event is the Kuching CHMS No. 3 Alumni Association Badminton Club. About 300 players from 19 teams will take part in the event.


砂人联党主席拿督沈桂贤上议员于今日移交上议员拨款予39个本地社团。 这项活动是于今日在砂人联党总部举行,出席者包括副主席陈如飞。 沈桂贤表示,虽然拨款的数目不多,但他希望借着这笔拨款,帮助社团举办活动,维持运作。他承诺,若上议员拨款的数额增加,他会再拨款给有需要的社团。 他了解到一些社团,因为经费的问题,在举办活动上受到限制。 他说,他拨款的社团对象无分种族,而且涵盖全砂,有需要的社团,可以和他交流。


砂人联党主席拿督沈桂贤上议员今日出席首相署部长南茜苏克里的开斋节开放门户,向后者与家人献上开斋节祝贺。 这项开放门户于旧立法议会大厦举行。


砂人联党主席拿督沈桂贤上议员于今日主持古晋中华第三中学校友会羽毛球组主办“2015年晋汉省华小暨独中羽球团体赛”开幕礼。这项在古晋中华第三中学举行的比赛,共有来自19队的约300名选手参与。 沈桂贤在开幕礼上说,华校不是仅仅属于华裔社会,然而,华校的学生亦有多元种族,未来希望有更多的土著学生选择到华校就读,支持华校及互相配合。 他表示,运动应该从小就培养,把运动当成一种习惯,尤其是打羽球对身体很健康。 他希望参赛的小学生与中学都能认真比赛,互相认识其他学校的球员及分享。