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April, 2020



砂旅游、艺术及文化部助理部长拿督陈超耀律师今日前往美里陆路交通局,查看当地运作情况。 联邦政府昨日宣布陆路交通局可在今日恢复运作,因此陈超耀今日特地前往美里分局了解,同时也分发口罩给民众。 根据美里陆路交通局局长,目前只有商用车辆可在陆路交通局办理路税及执照更新。

YB Professor Dato’ Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian hits back at allegation

1. I wish to draw the attention of all Sarawakians to three (3) separate Facebook Posts, two made by YB Chong Chieng Jen on his Facebook Page on 15th April 2020 and 18th April 2020 and one made by Mr. Michael Kong Feng Nian (the Special Assistant to YB Chong Chieng Jen) on his Facebook page on 18th April 2020. My response to these three Facebook posts is set out below. 2. The Statements made by YB Chong Chieng Jen and Mr. Michael Kong against me, SUPP and GPS areRead More


砂旅游、艺术及文化部助理部长拿督陈超耀律师关心民众健康,近期派口罩给民众,提醒他们注意健康及保持社交距离。 他表示,行动管制令进入第42天,即将进入第4阶段,美里人始终展现高度配合,值得赞扬。 陈超耀说,砂政府在3月31日宣布分发粮食计划,在该计划下,砂政府拨款1600万令吉予82个州选区,每个选区分发到20万令吉的资金来协助选区贫穷家庭度过疫情和行动管制令所带来的影响。 “自行动管制令落实后,一些家庭顿时失去收入,一个月对一个人影响很大,不单只是自己的生活受影响,还有家人、孩子,甚至有家庭已没有钱购买基本食物供家人食用。” 他表示,虽然第一批粮食已经派送,但他觉得还是不够,希望政府考虑再发放拨款,继续帮助有需要的家庭,以确保贫穷家庭不会断粮。

Sebastian Ting calls to Sarawak government to continue helping the poor

Datuk Sebastian Ting, Piasau State Assemblyman urged government to continue with their aid funds for the poor especially the daily paid workers and those out of jobs during the Movement Control Order (MCO).  Ting who was distributing masks to members of the public yesterday in Miri said Sarawak government has been kind to allocate RM200,000 to each constitutency to help the less fortunate and those out of jobs during the  He said the first phase of aids had been distributed through District office and State Disaster Management Committee. “As weRead More

Lo Khere Chiang giving supports to frontliners

State Assemblyman for Batu Kitang, Lo Khere Chiang gave away food packages to police, army and Rela for buka puasa today. Lo who visited the four roadblocks at Padawan area said the Muslim community has started their puasa two days ago and they have to adjust to he new norms of being in the MCO period. The frontliners are the ones who face the hardship and he said the food package was to encourage and support them for their hard work. He hoped that they will remain in good healthRead More

Chinese medical experts lends a helping hand to Sarawak

A close door meeting was held among local health professionals with eight China medical experts yesterday at Wisma Bapa Malaysia and ministers. Local Government Minister, Dato’ Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian who was also at the meeting said the experts were in Sarawak to give a lending hand to fight covid-19. He said yesterday morning they have a video conference with Sarawak general hospital key personnel and at 11 am, they have zoom meeting with private hospital and Malaysian Medical Association and State Health department. During the afternoon, the teamRead More

Food Aids for Batu Kawa Week 5

SUPP President, Datuk Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian said another round of food has been distributed to 1,000 households yesterday.  He said so far, 8,000 households had benefited from it which cost more than $200,000 since SUPP has started distribution on March 28. Without the generous donors and additional from Batu Kawa MRP funding,  Dr. Sim who is also Local Government Minister said they will not be able to distribute more than 8,000 households if they were  just based on Sarawak Government Food Aid assistance of $200,000 per DUN, targetingRead More

KUCHING : SUPP Central Youth Secretary , Milton Foo said as of yesterday, a total of 3360 food baskets have been disbursed & distributed in Pending, or about 85% of the allocated food aids by the Sarawak Government. 

These food aids, he stated, were allocated by the Sarawak government through the Kuching District Office and the Kuching Disaster Management Committee. The food assistance plan provided by the Sarawak government starting from March 31 to the needy people with allocation of special funds of RM200K for each constituency benefiting more than 4,000 households at Pending constituency.  Foo, who is also the deputy secretary of the SUPP Pending branch,  pointed out in a statement today that all food materials & items were purchased by the District Office and delivered toRead More


砂首长署政治秘书陈开指出,针对有些人指责砂政府提供的食品援助总额没有达到100令吉的指责,经砂人联党石角支部秘书处在向有关当局确定后,证明有关指责是一种恶性的破坏。 砂政府自推行这项因为新冠肺炎而实施的行动管制令措施后,落实食品援助计划至今,不曾表明每户家庭获得的食品援助总额是100令吉,所以这是有某方面在蓄意制造假新闻。 他说,砂政府透过古晋省公署和古晋省灾难管理委员会,给每个选区的20万的拨款,估计大约能惠及4000户家庭。 “若按照这样的拨款和家庭统计,每户获得的食品价值大约是50令吉。” 他说,如果按照不确实的谣言指每户可获得总额100令吉的食品,那么石角区也只能让2000户家庭受惠。然而,石角选区迄今已进行9次的食品分派,受惠的家庭共有8150。 以此估计,石角选区在这次食品援助计划下,大约花费了40万令吉。 他也表示,这项开销中,除了政府给选区的20万,石角区议员拿督斯里沈桂贤也利用其选区拨款及商家企业的协助,才使到超过8000户家庭受惠。 “希望民众不要听信不确定的谣言,特别是具有重伤和诬蔑性的指责。”

Sebastian Ting collecting rice from association for needy

Persatuan Penganut Dewa Some Shak Lung Kung, Miri had passed the hat around the committee and donated 500 packets of rice to the needy. Piasau State Assemblyman, Datuk Sebastian Ting who was at the association to receive the packets of rice said he was touched and humbled by kind-hearted Miriams. He said in this time of difficulty, so many Miriams reached out to the needy, be it individuals or associations. Ting said he was asked to collect the rice to give out as SUPP branch had lists of those inRead More


砂人联党青年总团团长程明智吁请各界雇主,可尽速向社险机构申请每名雇员工资补贴,这是当局提供给雇主的一项福利,财政部已在上周陆续发放给获批准的雇主。 他探悉,财政部在截至日前(4月19日),共接获15万9千名雇主,为近100万名雇员申请工资补贴,涉及金额多达12亿令吉,作为辅助企业抗疫措施之一。 亦是砂首长署政治秘书程明智今日强调,根据当局规定,申请获得此项补贴利益的雇主及企业,在6个月内不得辞退员工或放无薪假期,这也是要保障相关员工的福利,让劳资双方在防疫行动管制期间来共渡难关。 他说,雇主可在社险官网提交申请;已不必如原先需证明在今年1月份迄今,公司的收入减少超过50%,但仍规定该员工薪金每月不可超过4000令吉。 “原先所规定的有关员工必须已在今年4月1日前,为有关雇员向社险注册并缴付就业保险(EIS),也放宽到除了此条例外,给予雇主的公司在今年1月有向马来西亚公司委员会注册也亦可。” 他指出,当局是给微型和小型企业(员工人数不超过75人)的雇主,每个员工的工资补贴1200令吉;中型企业(员工人数76人至200人之间)是给雇主每个员工补贴800令吉等,由今年4月9日开始接受雇主申请,截至日期是在今年9月15日。


古晋省公署及古晋省灾难管理委员会今日再提供1000份米粮给石角选区内民众。 这些获得米粮者,都是近期向当局提出申请,并获得批准者。 另外,今天也获得巴当艾富贵鱼报效1000只富贵鱼和文成海鲜报效750公斤的干望鱼。 古晋省公署和古晋省灾难管理委员会已经在石角进行8次分派米粮工作,总共分发了7150份。 今天分派的粮食包括米、食用油、糖、面粉、饼干和罐头,它们都是由古晋省公署及古晋省灾难管理委员会提供,并由各区上的社区领袖负责送到有需要的家庭。 由于目前仍处于行动管制期,所以古晋省灾难管理委员会要求所有的分发过程尽量减少与民众接触,所以社区领袖是采取挨家挨户的策略运送物资,尽量维持社交距离,减少群聚的现象发生。 石角区议员拿督斯里沈桂贤今天也抽空监督米粮分发,并对工作顺利进行感到满意。 同时也对上述两家鱼产公司做出报效善举表示感谢。


砂拉越人民联合党中央秘书长兼卑尔骚区州议员拿督陳超耀律师,向卫生总监拿督诺希山献上生日祝贺。 “我及砂拉越人民想对迎来57岁生日的卫生总监拿督诺希山,献上真诚的生日祝贺。” 陳超耀说,自从马来西亚爆发冠病疫情以来,诺希山以冷静及专业的形象,赢得国内外赞誉,被誉为“大马抗疫英雄”。 他表示,在前所未有的冠病疫情危机时刻,诺希山以极其专业的作风,领导大马医疗团队克服疫情挑战。尤其是我国经历政治剧变,联邦政府政权更迭时期,诺希山仍处惊不变,冷静履行职责,堪称是公务员典范,为每个人带来激励。 他说,诺希山的专业形象深入民心,他不仅认真投入工作,还带领精英医疗团队应对疫情。在他及团队努力下,我国冠病疫情有显著改善,单日康复病患人数超越确诊病例人数。尽管如此,他还千叮万嘱,希望国人不要因此而松懈。 “我对诺希山的专业及能力深感敬佩,希望有更多类似他这种能力出众的政府及国家领袖,引领我国迈向更高的发展。” 他强调,尤其在冠病疫情危害解除后,我国各行各业亟需重振,需要更多优秀的专才让国家尽早摆脱低靡,走向复兴。 陳超耀也说, 庆幸的是,砂拉越也有杰出的团队,包括砂首长拿督巴丁宜阿邦佐哈里、砂副首长兼砂灾难管理委员会主席拿督阿玛道格拉斯及砂地方政府及房屋部长拿督斯里沈桂贤等,一直努力克服冠病疫情。 “我们希望全民能继续努力,团结一心,战胜冠病疫情。”


砂地方政府及房屋部长拿督斯里沈桂贤表示,他已指示律师,针对近期不断出现有关食物援助拨款的诽谤性指控,采取法律行动。 沈桂贤今日发文告说,近期一些民主行动党领袖刊登在报章上的声明,包括其砂拉越主席张健仁的言论,指责他掌控浮罗岸、峇都林当、朋岭及哥打圣淘沙总额80万令吉的食物援助拨款。 “虽然这笔拨款全都是砂政府分配给所有省县灾难管理委员会,而不是任何州议员服务中心,但行动党领袖仍作出上述虚假指控,并不断通过社交媒体及报章重复指控,贬低我的人格,指责我滥用职权,挪用及滥用拨款。” 沈桂贤表示,他不断说过,鉴于砂拉越面对前所未有的冠病医疗危机,每个人首要任务是确保砂拉越家园恢复安全,摆脱疫情。为了达致此目标,医护人员和前线执法人员每天冒着生命危险执行任务,在疫情当前,根本不应有任何玩弄政治或虚假指控的空间。 可是,作出指控者在不顾事实,反复恶意攻击的行为,令人难以容忍。在这情况下,他指示其律师向有关发表古晋区援助食物拨款诽谤性言论的人士,发出法律信函。

Local government Minister, Dato’ Sri Dr. Sim issue letter letters against defamatory statement

Local Government Minister, Dato’ Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian has instructed his lawyers to issue legal letters to refuted the recent defamatory statements made by  several DAP leaders in the papers including the ones by its Sarawak Chairman Chong Chieng Jen. Dr. Sim who is also the President of SUPP said he was accused  for wrongfully taking control of food assistance funds allocated for Padungan, Batu Lintang, Pending and Kota Sentosa in a total sum of RM800,000. Dr Sim explained that despite that it is an indisputable fact that allRead More

Sebastian Ting gives 9,500 face masks to frontliners

Piasau State Assemblyman, Datuk Sebastian Ting gave away 9,500 masks to frontliners for protection. Those in the list he helped were medical staff at the hospital where 40 boxes were handed over, Bomba 30 boxes, Army 30 boxes,  JPAM 20 boxes, Customs 20 boxes and Welfare Department10 boxes.  Ting said the frontliners have been doing a good job and called to Miriams to exercise care if they need to go out. Otherwise, he said it is better to stay indoor. 

Application forms for MPP unlicensed hawker

Application Form for the registration of unlicensed hawkers, petty traders is now available and can be downloaded at MPP’s Official Website:*, said MPP Chairman, Lo Khere Chiang.  This form, he said is for unlicensed hawkers and petty traders who wish to apply for a temporary permit from Majlis Perbandaran Padawan (MPP). The permit is a pre-requisite for them to apply for the Sarawakku Sayang Assistance Package 2.0 which was announced by the Sarawak Government a few days ago. Unlicensed hawkers and traders can also refer to the criteria or conditionsRead More

Milton says quarantine at centre, not at home

Milton Foo, SUPP Youth Secretary-General urged Sarawak Government to seriously review and reconsider the implementation of policy of any Sarawakians returning from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Labuan to undergo a 14-day quarantine at home instead of at quarantine centre effective on April 20, as announced by DCM cum SDMC Chairman YBDA Douglas Uggah 2 days ago.  He said the storm of criticism has been received from the public via social media on this more relaxed policy of home quarantine, including endangering the family members of the returnee, making all theRead More


自砂拉越政 府的粮食援助计划推展以来,古晋省公署及古晋省灾难管理委员会已在各地发放米粮给有需要者,今天该委员会又分派1000份给石角选区有需要的民众。 古晋省公署和古晋省灾难管理委员会已经在石角进行7次分派米粮工作,总共分发了6150份。 今天分派的粮食包括米、食用油、糖、面粉、饼干和罐头,它们都是由古晋省公署及古晋省灾难管理委员会提供,并由各区上的社区领袖负责送到有需要的家庭。 由于目前仍处于行动管制期,所以古晋省灾难管理委员会要求所有的分发过程尽量减少与民众接触,所以社区领袖是采取挨家挨户的策略运送物资,尽量维持社交距离,减少群聚的现象发生。 石角区议员拿督斯里沈桂贤今天也抽空监督米粮分发,并对工作顺利进行感到满意。


砂地方政府与房屋部长拿督斯里沈桂贤对反对党在冠病疫情爆发时期,仍积极玩弄政治,这种“太闲空玩弄政治”的作为感到极度失望。 “正当大家忙于对抗疫情时,反对党选择挑起事端,批评政府援助计划的努力。” 沈桂贤说,一些反对党领袖会在非常时期拍摄帮忙扛米的照片宣传,然而平日都未曾听过有关人士扛米帮助他人。 他强调,联邦政府推出的援助配套,及砂政府推出的特别援助配套计划都是为了确保人们在这个非常时期,都拥有足够的粮食。有鉴于此,他强调,任何认为有资格却未接收到政府的粮食援助,可以拨打热线082 507 111(古晋)以提出请求。 “物资发放是通过各地的县议会去执行发放,并非直接把物资或资金交给国、州议员的手上。”