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Monday, June 22nd, 2020


Robert Lau sworn in as Senator

Robert Lau, SUPP Bawang Assan branch Chairman said he is  honoured to be nominated by his party and GPS to be a member of the Dewan Negara to be effective from date of swearing in on 22 June.  Thanking the leadership of both SUPP and GPS for having the trust in him to carry out the role as a senator, he assured he will do it to his best ability.  “During my term I will pay more heed to three areas. The first (and foremost) will be Sarawak’s rights andRead More

Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian congrats newly sworn-in Senators

SUPP President, Dato Sri Dr. Sim Kuo Hian send his congratulations to 3 newly appointed Senators from Sarawak. He said Sarawak now has 7 senators.  During his time when he was Senator, he said there was only  3.  He said there is still a long way to have one third of Senator from Sabah and Sarawak.  “It is not just how loud your voice in Parliament but how many members of Parliament you have. I am confident that Sarawak autonomy and health and education will not only be continued toRead More

Batu Kitang assemblyman, Lo Khere Chiang says all Malaysians should know how Malaysia was formed

It is clear that Petronas Chief Executive who resigned recently over his disagreement with Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin over a plan to pay RM2 billion in sales tax to Sarawak did not know the Malaysian Agreement 1963 and has failed to acknowledge it, said State Assemblyman Batu Kitang, Lo Khere Chiang. Wan Zulkiflee had said in public that Sarawak had “no legal competence” to demand the sales tax and had also said that increasing royalties could make operating in Sabah and Sarawak unfeasible. Need I remind him thatRead More

Wilfred Yap helps residents of jalan Tai shin Jar on drain issue

Residents of Jalan Tai Shin Jar complained about earth drains and some sections of the existing concrete drains which are in a dilapidated state.  The affected residents have requested SUPP Public Complaints Bureauchief, Wilfred Yap to appeal to the Government to upgrade all the existing earth drains to concrete drains and for the repair and maintenance of the existing dilapidated drains. Yap said the residents at Jalan Hua Joo Park have also requested SUPP Public Complaints Bureau to inform the relevant authorities that certain sections of the monsoon drain areRead More


砂人联党主席拿督斯里沈桂贤恭贺今日宣誓的3名上议员,即来自砂拉越的刘會耀、丽达英苏及苏珊安丁。 他表示,来自砂拉越的上议员人数如今增加至7人,他早前担任上议员时,人数只有3人。 他说,现在距离砂拉越及沙巴的上议员须达到三分之一的比例,还有很长的路。 “在国会不止是响亮表达,而是看你有多少个代表人数。” 沈桂贤有信心,砂拉越自主权包括卫生及教育权益,不止会继续争取,也会获得极力捍卫。


砂人联党巴旺阿山支部主席刘会耀今日宣誓成为上议员。 他表示,本身荣幸被砂拉越人民联合党和砂政盟提名为国会成员,自6月22日宣誓就职之日起生效。 “我感谢我党砂人联党和砂政盟的领导层对我的信任,使我能够担任上议员。我将尽我所能履行职责和义务。” 刘会耀表示,在他任期内,他将更多地关注三个领域。首先(也是最重要的)是砂拉越在马来西亚契约(MA63)和政府间委员会(IGC)报告中的权益。砂拉越和沙巴将被视为马来西亚联邦的平等伙伴。这是科博德委员会(Cobbold Commission)规定的1963年马来西亚联邦,而不是里德委员会(Reid Commission)所规定的1957年马来亚联邦。 第二,作为立法机关的一员,我将尽力确保三权分立原则在政府民主制度的三个支柱(立法机关,行政机关和司法机关)中得到遵守。这种制度最薄弱的向来是司法部门,其次是立法机关。 他感谢父母,提供了于1970年代及80年代初接受教育以及从事法律职业的机会,特别是母校诗巫圣心中学的校长和老师们淳淳教导。这所学校提供了持续卓越的教育,在当时的英联邦国家中堪称一流。 这个教育机会促使他能站在备受尊崇的囯会殿堂履行另一项职责,这次是为他在诗巫的社区服务,捍卫砂拉越并为国家做出贡献。使这个国家成为一个更好的国家。 “第三点涉及我的故乡诗巫和拉让盆地。在过去的半个世纪中,它在自然资源和商贸繁荣中有过辉煌的日子。我们现在迫切需要更新和发展经济,以便为该地区的人们带来就业和希望。这将要求对公共设施和基建进行投资以及私人界对其社区进行再投资。” 他表示,诗巫位于砂拉越的中心。这是通往腹地广阔且众多伊班友族同胞居住的社区之门户。这些伊班同胞社区需要获得与马来亚城市居民的同等对待,否则他们将永远被抛在后头 他对国家的希望,正如东姑阿都拉曼等许多过去的领袖所希望的,即可以生活在一个稳定、民主、进步及和谐的社会中,以及政府的政策对全民是一视同仁的。