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Sunday, April 26th, 2020


Food Aids for Batu Kawa Week 5

SUPP President, Datuk Sri Dr. Sim Kui Hian said another round of food has been distributed to 1,000 households yesterday.  He said so far, 8,000 households had benefited from it which cost more than $200,000 since SUPP has started distribution on March 28. Without the generous donors and additional from Batu Kawa MRP funding,  Dr. Sim who is also Local Government Minister said they will not be able to distribute more than 8,000 households if they were  just based on Sarawak Government Food Aid assistance of $200,000 per DUN, targetingRead More

KUCHING : SUPP Central Youth Secretary , Milton Foo said as of yesterday, a total of 3360 food baskets have been disbursed & distributed in Pending, or about 85% of the allocated food aids by the Sarawak Government. 

These food aids, he stated, were allocated by the Sarawak government through the Kuching District Office and the Kuching Disaster Management Committee. The food assistance plan provided by the Sarawak government starting from March 31 to the needy people with allocation of special funds of RM200K for each constituency benefiting more than 4,000 households at Pending constituency.  Foo, who is also the deputy secretary of the SUPP Pending branch,  pointed out in a statement today that all food materials & items were purchased by the District Office and delivered toRead More


砂首长署政治秘书陈开指出,针对有些人指责砂政府提供的食品援助总额没有达到100令吉的指责,经砂人联党石角支部秘书处在向有关当局确定后,证明有关指责是一种恶性的破坏。 砂政府自推行这项因为新冠肺炎而实施的行动管制令措施后,落实食品援助计划至今,不曾表明每户家庭获得的食品援助总额是100令吉,所以这是有某方面在蓄意制造假新闻。 他说,砂政府透过古晋省公署和古晋省灾难管理委员会,给每个选区的20万的拨款,估计大约能惠及4000户家庭。 “若按照这样的拨款和家庭统计,每户获得的食品价值大约是50令吉。” 他说,如果按照不确实的谣言指每户可获得总额100令吉的食品,那么石角区也只能让2000户家庭受惠。然而,石角选区迄今已进行9次的食品分派,受惠的家庭共有8150。 以此估计,石角选区在这次食品援助计划下,大约花费了40万令吉。 他也表示,这项开销中,除了政府给选区的20万,石角区议员拿督斯里沈桂贤也利用其选区拨款及商家企业的协助,才使到超过8000户家庭受惠。 “希望民众不要听信不确定的谣言,特别是具有重伤和诬蔑性的指责。”