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Monday, July 31st, 2017



砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局主任叶耀星日前接获八点地第41巷居民要求协助有关道路不平及路面有坑洞的问题。 收到请求协助后,叶耀星偕同人联党党员前往现场实地考察以寻求解决方案。 南市市政局现已解决八点地第41巷道路不平及路面有坑洞的问题。 另外,砂拉越人民联合党公共投诉局感谢南市市政局在八点地第二巷路口划上黄格子,人联党公共投诉局较早前反映有关路段车祸频密发生的问题。居民们希望该黄格子涂上反光黄漆,投诉局也已向南市市政局反映居民们的诉求。 人联公共投诉局已做好准备并尝试通过相关部门解决影响社区的公共议题。人联党公共投诉局已准备好为面对相关问题却不懂得如何处理的民众伸出援手。任何相关事宜可联系人联党公共投诉(016-7797688或082246999)或亲临人联党总部。

Complain of dilipidated road condition

SUPP Public Complaints Bureau (PCB) Chief, Wilfred Yap was recently approached by residents staying in Lorong 41 of  Stampin Resettlement Scheme, Jalan Stampin Baru  who complains of  potholes and the dilipidated road condition. Following the requests for assistance received, SUPP PCB Chief Wilfred Yap together with other SUPP members had gone to inspect and assess the situation to see what can be done to resolve the problem raised by the affected residents. SUPP Public Complaints Bureau is pleased to inform that Kuching South City Council have now resurfaced and tarRead More

Sarikei under 10 basketball competition

Political secretary to the chief minister, Teng Ung Woo officiated the closing ceremony of Sarikei 10 year and under, Male and female basketball competition. He said Sarikei has a lot of potential good players and urged them to keep up the good work. 8 schools 15 teams took part and Teng thanked schools teachers, parents for their involvement in making the competition a success.


古晋自闭症协会常年义卖会于昨日在联合教会圆满举行,总共筹获23万令吉的义款。 现场共有93个摊位,售卖各式各样产品,包括食物和手工艺品等。 砂地方政府及房屋部长拿督沈桂贤为这项义卖会主持开幕礼,并颁发感谢锦旗给所有的摊位代表。在场包括古晋自闭症协会主席姚锡祺医生。 古晋自闭症协会是自从2003年开始举办义卖会,该会是在1988年成立,以照顾自闭症儿童和其父母的福利。

St Basil教会常年义卖会

砂地方政府及房屋部长拿督沈桂贤于昨日出席St Basil教会常年义卖会。 这项义卖会是为了筹募兴建新教堂的经费。 沈桂贤在场移交5万令吉拨款,以示支持。


砂首长政治秘书邓文武于日前主持2017年度泗里街男女10岁及以下篮球比赛闭幕礼。 他赞扬参赛者都是泗里街篮球运动的明日之星,希望他们继续努力。 他感谢这项赛事获得来自8间小学的15支队伍参赛,反应热烈。 “各位教师、家长、泗里街篮球总会工作委员及志愿者的付出,也让赛事成功举行。”